Plate format: 96 and 384-well plates Enzymatic and fluorescent analysis: ≈3 min for a 96-well enzymatic plate, ≈10 min for a FluoroSpot plate Digital firewire camera, 5 megapixels, color, optimized for fluorescence imaging LED illumination, XBO light source, 7&1 filter wheel 3 narrow-band hard coated fluorescent filters on board; FITC, Cy3 and Cy5
Detection Modes: single and dual-label CPM, single and dual-label DPM, ParaLux count mode, and luminescence counting Number of Detectors: 6 Detector Model Plate Formats: 96- and 384-well plates Liquid Scintillation Counting Rate: 3.000.000 CPM max. count rate Luminescence Counting: 24.000.000 CPS max. count rate
Laser Type: Reporter Laser 532 nm and Classification Laser 638 nm Detectors: Photomultiplier tube, detection bandwidth of 565 to 585 nm along with Avalanche photo diodes Microspheres: up to 500 unique xMAP microspheres in a single sample Dynamic range: 4.5 logarithmic units Sample Handling: 96- or 384-well microtiter plate
Detection modes: Luminescence, Fluorescence intensity, Fluorescence polarization, AlphaScreen Microplate Format: 6 to 1536 well (including 96 and 384 well) Incubation: Variable incubation temperature from 5 to 45DegC Shaking: Double orbital, orbital, and linear shaking with programmable shake time and diameter Optic Modules: up to 5 modules can be used, 5 exchangeable barcode-labeled optic modules are included
Detection Modes: single and dual-label CPM, single and dual-label DPM, ParaLux count mode, and luminescence counting Number of Detectors: 6 Detector Model Plate Formats: 96- and 384-well plates Liquid Scintillation Counting Rate: 3.000.000 CPM max. count rate Luminescence Counting: 24.000.000 CPS max. count rate
Detection Mode: Nephelometry (light scattering) Silica Detection: (particle size 0.5 to 10 um) 800 nM; Dynamic Range: 5 decades; Maximum Count Rate: 2,000,000 Relative Nephelometry Units (RNUs) per second Wavelength: 635+/-10 nm; Stability <0.2% deviation Microplate Formats: up to 384-well plates; Incl 96 well Shaking: Linear, orbital, and double-orbital with user-definable time and speed
Flow Cytometry based Compatible with magnetic and non magnetic beads 500 Multiplex capacity Read time: ~20 min/96-well plate ~75 min/384-well plate Quantify up to 100 different analytes in a single sample
Incubation: Temperature adjustment from 20C to 42C Shaking: Linear, orbital, or double orbital modes, with 1mm-6mm amplitude, and a frequency of up to 1440 rpm (rpm dependent on settings) Detection: Luminescence (Spectral range 370-700nm), Absorbance (Spectral range 200-1,000nm) Microplate Types: Pre-programmed with a plethora of customizable plate sizes and types, up to 1536-well