Brand: Becton Dickinson, BD
Product Code: 53287
(5) Lasers: Red (640nm), YG (561nm), Blue (488nm), Violet (405nm), UV (355nm)
(18) Colors simultaneously; (20) Detector Channels
Fluorescence Sensitivity: FITC 80 (MESF-FITC), PE: 30 (MESF-PE)
Data Acquisition Rate: 40,000 events/sec
Sample Handling: 96 or 384 well microplates or manually loaded tubes
(18) Colors simultaneously; (20) Detector Channels
Fluorescence Sensitivity: FITC 80 (MESF-FITC), PE: 30 (MESF-PE)
Data Acquisition Rate: 40,000 events/sec
Sample Handling: 96 or 384 well microplates or manually loaded tubes
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