Number of solvents: four solvents; operating flow rate range: 0.010 to 4.000 mL/min, in 0.001-mL increments Labware compatibility: (2x) 96- or 384-well plates, other options Injection volume range: 0.1 to 50.0 uL, in 0.1-uL increments; 10-uL loop Column compartment temperature range: 4 to 90 DegC settable in 0.1 DegC increments PDA detector wavelength range: 190 to 800 nm; Mass range QDA Detector: 30 - 1250 m/z
Number of solvents: four solvents; operating flow rate range: 0.010 to 4.000 mL/min, in 0.001-mL increments Labware compatibility: (2x) 96- or 384-well plates, other options Injection volume range: 0.1 to 50.0 uL, in 0.1-uL increments; 10-uL loop Column compartment temperature range: 4 to 90 DegC settable in 0.1 DegC increments PDA detector wavelength range: 190 to 800 nm
Number of Solvents: up to 4; binary pump type Unit modules: ELS Detector, Column Manager, Sample Manager, Binary Solvent Manager Labware Compatibility: (2x) 96- or 384-well plates Column temperature control 5.0 DegC above ambient to 90.0 DegC settable in 0.1 DegC increments Acquity UPLC ELS detector with nebulizer
Injection volume range: 0.1 to 50 uL Accuracy (aspiration): ±0.2 uL Number of sample plates: any (2) of the 96 and 384 microtiter plates (other options possible) Sample compartment: 4 to 40 DegC, settable in 0.1 DegC increments Temperature accuracy: ±0.5 DegC; stability: ±1.0 DegC at sensor
Number of solvents: up to four solvents in any combination Solvent degassing: integrated vacuum degassing, four chambers Gradient formation: low-pressure mixing, quaternary gradient Gradient profiles: 11 gradient curves Primary check valve: intelligent Intake Valve (i2 Valve)
Wavelength range: Ex.:200 to 890 nm; Em.: 210 to 900 nm Measurement range: 0.001 to 10,000 EU Data acquisition: up to 80 Hz Flow cell design: axially illuminated, cell volume: <2 uL Pressure limit: 500 psi
Number of plates: two plates of 96 and 384 microtiter plates / 48 position vial plates / micro-centrifuge tubes /24 position micro-centrifuge tube plates Maximum sample capacity: 768 in two 384-well plates Injection volume range: 0.1 to 50.0 uL, in 0.1 uL increments, partial or full loop mode Sample delivery precision (full loop injection mode): < 0.3% RSD, full loop, standard 10-uL loop (default wash/purge conditions) Sample temperature control: 4DegC - 40DegC, settable in 0.1 DegC increments (at an ambient temperature of 25DegC)
Column capacity: Single column, up to 150 mm in length, up to 4.6 mm internal diameter (I.D.) Column compartment temperature range: 5-90DegC, settable in 0.1DegC increments Column compartment temperature accuracy: ±0.5 DegC at the sensor Column compartment temperature stability ±0.3 DegC at the sensor Solvent conditioning: active pre-heating
Mass Range: 2 to 2048 m/z Scan Speed: up to 10,000 Da/s Mass Stability: mass drift is <0.1 Da over a 24 hour period Detector Low-noise, off-axis, long-life photomultiplier detector Acquisition Modes: Full scan, MS Product ion scan, Precursor ion scan, Constant neutral loss scan, Selected ion recording (SIR), Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), Simultaneous full scan, and MRM (RADAR)
Injection volume range: 50-ul loop standard; 1,2,5,10,20,100,250-ul loops available Temperature control: 0.1 to 25.0 C, in 0.1C increments Digestion Column heater: Accommodates one column up to 50mm length Digestion column temp control: 10.0C above HDX chamber temperature to 45.0C in0.1C increments
Number of solvents: up to four solvents in any combination Unit modules: e2695 separations module w/SHC, column heater/cooler, 2998 PDA detector Number of sample vials: 120 vials, in five carousels of 24 vials each Wavelength Range 2998 PDA Detector: 190 - 800 nm Maximum operating pressure: up to 5000 psi
Number of solvents: up to four solvents in any combination Unit modules: Quaternary solvent manager, Sample manager-FTN, column manager, TUV detector, QDa detector Labware Compatibility: (2x) 96- or 384-well plates, other options Wavelength Range TUV Detector: 190 - 700 nm; Mass range QDA Detector: 30 - 1250 m/z Maximum operating pressure: up to 15,000 psi
Wavelength range: Ex.:200 to 890 nm; Em.: 210 to 900 nm Measurement range: 0.001 to 10,000 EU Data acquisition: up to 80 Hz Flow cell design: axially illuminated, cell volume: <2 uL Pressure limit: 500 psi
Interactive diagnostics software for worry-free system and fluidics optimization and performance checks with IntelliStart Technology 1 pg sensitivity with either ESI or APCI 10,000 Da/sec scan speeds up to 2,000 Da for full compatibility with seconds-wide fast LC peaks Simple upkeep and minimal bench space requirements Dual orthogonal sampling ionization with ZSpray source